A VENUE FOR THE PITS – AND THAT’S A GOOD THING!If you have that relative who opens the family “BBQ smoke pit” right around now – or even if you don’t, you’ll love a cool event venue in...
SALLY FIELD RETURNS TO BROADWAYAlready with an Academy Award and an Emmy, Sally Field could hit the acting ‘Triple Crown” on Broadway as she plays the role of Amanda...
WHITE HOUSE BAKER IS OFF-BROADWAY’S TOP PRE-SHOW OPTIONOne of Off-Broadway’s top theater’s in Manhattan has opened a show-themed pie shop that features the cooking of a former White House chef...
GEORGE ORWELL HEADS TO BROADWAYThere is no denying that the new political culture in the US has exponentially increased interest in George Orwell’s 1949 novel “1984.”...
DANCE LIKE “LA LA LAND” WITH CORPORATE TEAM-BUILDINGThe Oscar-Nominated and “Oops Brief Winning” film “La La Land” has launched a massive resurgence in tap dancing, and we have found a...
“THE ORIENT EXPRESS” IN A UNIQUE “OFF-BROADWAY” VENUEThe world’s most famous murder mystery is heading to the New York City area this year, and it promises to be a very sophisticated...
MORE TEQUILA AND TAQUIERA EVENT VENUES IN NYCWe are guessing by now that destination corporate meetings attendees in New York City have at least 10,000 overall bottles of Tequila to...