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Meeting Breaks and Gala Deserts on Ice: The Cream is Getting Crazy!

If your destination corporate meeting attendees are here in New York City being served basic vanilla ice cream at either a meeting break or gala event, an enormous creative opportunity is being missed.

Here's why.

The flavors we are seeing here are completely out of control, and that's a good thing. Some examples of taste explosions include moringa and pistachios, Mezcal gelato, sour pickle (which we never would have originally guessed), and ice cream that is so thick that it can be twisted around a fork. If your attendees are from Jersey, they will love the new Taylor Ham flavors appearing in the city.

Ok, for all of you vanilla lovers, the competition for creamy, delicious takes on this flavor is so intense in New York that your attendees will think it is also a new flavor!

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