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A Dating App for Corporate Events? Learn From Your Peers via "Brain Dates"

With corporate meeting planners looking for more ways than ever to enhance engagement at events there comes a new concept, loosely based around popular dating apps such as "Tinder" or "Bumble". So-called "Brain Dates" would provide attendees with opportunities to connect, directly share with, and learn from other participants.

While there are multiple apps that utilize tools like profile-building and geo-fencing to help like-minded individuals find each other and network in business settings, Brain Dating takes the "searching" component (or perhaps the "luck") out of the match equation. For example, if Attendee A wants to learn something specific from Attendee B, this app ensures that the two will have the chance to match and meet.

In addition, Brain Dating aligns well with the increased engagement of pods at corporate events. Perhaps the most enticing aspect of Brain Dating is the reduced need for participants to sit through multiple presentations and speakers to finally hear the one most relevant to their professional goals -- Brain Dates can directly connect them to the wealth of knowledge they're seeking!

Where is the best venue to host Brain Dates? While an overall versatile and adaptable concept, we personally think that many Manhattan hotels were built for ideas like this.

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